Grounding System Analysis
GSA can be used for analysis of underground systems at low frequency and is commonly used for small and medium size plants like substations.
GSA includes the tools SRA and SA for soil resistivity analysis, soil resistivity seasonal analysis and multilayer soil modelling.
GSA is highly appreciated for its ease of use, user interface and quality of graphic output.

GSA is based on a PEEC static numerical model and to the equipotential condition of the electrodes and can analyse the low frequency performance of grounding systems composed by many distinct electrodes of any shape but with a limited size into a uniform or multilayer soil model.
GSA can take input data in the form of either graphical (from “dxf” files or from the integrated CAD) or numerical and render powerful graphical facilities via it’s optimised and validated computation algorithms, thus making it an indispensable tool for grounding system design and verification.
GSA includes the modules SRA to calculate multilayer soil model parameters starting from measured soil resistivity data and SA to calculate the effects of seasonal climate change.
GSA is essentially a low frequency tool but in several practical cases (with little electrodes), it can be also useful to calculate the impulse impedance of electrodes under lighting currents with an accuracy level adequate for many engineering applications.
- Electrical data (e.g. single phase to earth fault current, data for calculation of earthing current, reference standard, intervention time of protections, eventually additional resistance between feet and earth surface or gloves, etc.)
- Geometrical data (e.g. grounding system layout of all electrodes (up to 999), conductors cross section, coating thickness, material properties, etc.). Each electrode consists in a network of arbitrarily connected (or separated) conductors
- Physical data (e.g. soil resistivity or apparent resistivity measured values, superficial thin layer characteristics, etc.)
- Decrement factor (Df) as per IEEE standard
- Split factor (r) as per EN standard or (Sf) as per IEEE standard
- Earthing current
- Minimum cross section of grounding system conductors for thermal specification
- Uniform or multilayer soil model parameters from on site measures values of apparent resistivity with Wenner or Schlumberger methods
- Reduction factor of touch and step voltages due to a superficial thin layer (Cs) as per IEEE standard
- Maximum permissible touch and step voltages as per IEC, EN and IEEE standards taking into account the body resistance and possibly additional resistance (shoes, gloves …). With IEC and EN standards both, prospective and permissible values of touch and step voltages are given
- Ground resistance and Ground Potential Rise values of all electrodes
- Distribution of leakage current from the electrodes with 1D, 2D and 3D graphical representation to verify the efficiency of specific grounding system parts
- Maximum electric field value close to the electrodes (useful to quickly check if the soil ionization phenomenon can occur)
- Earth potentials and prospective and effective touch and step voltages distributions on straight lines or rectangular areas lying on or below the soil surface by 2D and 3D coloured graphic representations, for individuation of safe and hazardous areas
- List of material used for grounding system (wires and rods)
- Orthographic projections or isometric representations of grounding system
- Calculation model based on PEEC method in static conditions
- Possibility to consider International (IEC/TS 60479-1:2018), European (EN 50522:2022) and American (IEEE Std 80-2013) standards
- Possibility to import grid layout from “dxf” files
- Automatic debug of data before calculation
- Analysis of grounding systems of any shape, with choice of the total number of elementary sources
- Possibility to analyse up to 999 distinct electrodes on the same calculation, including for instance return electrodes, transmission line grounding systems or floating potential underground electrodes
- Possibility to energize electrodes using both current injections or impressed potentials
- Characterization of soil with a uniform or multilayer model. Beyond this a superficial thin layer can be added
- Possibility to analyse electrodes partially insulated or encased in concrete or buried in treated soil to lower resistivity
- Libraries with typical properties of soil, soils covering, concrete and backfill materials
- Possibility to export layout data and results in .dxf file
- Possibility to export graphic outputs to other WINDOWS® applications
- Possibility to choose the language (English, German. French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese)