Latest News!


24 JUNE 2024

Presentation of the project "Application of the BIM methodology to the Merano ring road project". Thanks to Ing. Andrea Alberto Dalprà and especially to the fruitful collaboration with Ing. Simone Gambarotto #PAB and Ing. Stefano Colombelli #Heliopolis.


23 july 2024
In support of the ISO London Declaration on Climate Change, ISO passed...

... a resolution that will result in two new statements of text being added to clauses 4.1 and 4.2 of existing management systems standards. Staying tuned with novelties our Certification Manager joined the TUV Academy lesson on the subject!

05 MAY 2024
Congratulations to ...

... Alberto P., Mirco F. and Alberto S. for attending the Fire Fighting Protection - Premises Compartimentation Course.

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27 OCTOBER 2023

Università di Padova

We are proud to announce our new BIM figure...

Investing in the future of Infrastructure Design & Managment. Master in BIM at the University of Padua for Andrea A. Dalprà


16 OCTOBER 2023
ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 fully integrated in our System...
04 OCTOBER 2023
Our ESG score is now available...

Synesgy enables companies to collect and manage sustainability information through an ESG self-assessment, complete with evaluation, benchmarks, and guidance on the development plan to be undertaken.

The Synesgy score model developed by CRIF Ratings - the authorized credit rating agency - allows an easy visualization of the score obtained in the 5 macro sections of the questionnaire (Business, Environment, Social, Governance, and Sector). See our results here